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Documenting Learning


As I've discussed in numerous posts, I am an experiential educator. I believe in and promote learning-by-doing and hands-on learning. I approach experiential learning from a cycle of learning which includes reflecting on and analysis of things done through learning-by-doing. https://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/2016/01/13/a-natural-and-experiential-cycle-of-learning/ Reflection, as part of the experiential learning cycle, is often as or even more…

NLafferty's insight:
This post highlights the importance of encouaging students to reflect when they are engaged as creators of learning. It's an approach we've taken in our Doctor as Digital Teacher SSC where students document their learning on a personal blog. I think one thing that could be added to the visualisation of the learning cycle at play here is feedback. Providing feedback on students' blog posts and in class discussions can also help support students in their personal reflection.

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